We met only for slightly more than one period and I was very sad, not being able to teach you anymore.
Today, I had to do the ROAR programme where I have to tell a story to the whole school. I chose Prince Rabbit. At first I wanted to share Animorphs with the school but then it would be such a long story. For those of you who love reading and love animals, Animorphs is a really really good book.
It is about five teenagers who can morph into any animal they touch! They got this power from an alien called an Andalite. There is more to the story than that and it is the most exciting book I've ever read when I was in primary school. Much better than that Mr Midnight which you love to read. It has 54 books in all! #1 all the way to #54 are exciting stories about these teenagers trying to save the world from the evil Yeerks.
Anyway, the first period, we did not do much. I just reminded the class that tomorrow is temperature taking day. I also told you that Mr Lee is not as fierce as you thought him to be. I heard that a lot of you were scared because you heard that he is a fierce and very strict teacher. This is not the case... He is strict, of course. All teachers must be strict. However, he is not that fierce! I'm sure you will enjoy your time with him.
He told me that he gave you a GK question which was, what is the difference between astrology and astronomy? Did anyone get to answer that? That's a pretty hard question for you because I don't think many of you know what astrology is. I'll leave it to Mr Lee to explain.
Even though you have a new teacher who is older and more experienced than I am, I can't help feeling sad that our time together is over...
We had so much fun together.
I certainly hope that you will remember everything I have taught you for life, because that way, I will be in your hearts and you will always be in mine.
I will always check this blog to see if you have any questions for me. You can always drop by and leave a message or even email me, if you want. I'm always here to help you. Remember that.
Respect yourself, respect your parents, respect your teacher, respect your friends, respect your school and country.
Be good, 3 Gabriel. Be the best that you can be.
See ya!