Hello my darlings. Sorry this took so long but here are the pictures from the presentation. I will not reveal how you did in the presentation in this blog though. These are just some general comments. Your real results and serious commentary will be known on Monday. There are some of you whose presentation I did not get a chance to snap a picture of so I included pictures of your preparation.

Christine and Jie Ling.
They did a beautiful job with the vanguard sheet. I think I will put it up somewhere in the classroom. As you can see, JL is laughing evilly because she knows her presentation is better than the rest. It sort of went like this: Meheheheheh. No surprise that their vanguard is good. Christine is one of the better artists of 3G. Her Pop Art is featured on our classroom's main board!

Aloysius and Denzel.
Firstly I am terribly sorry that I only got to take Aloysius' back of the head. I kept telling him to face the class but he still turned his back on me and read from the vanguard sheet! Now we can't see his handsome face... Denzel was very excited. But then again, Denzel is always excited about something.

Caitlin and Alex.
Cait is very eloquent (that means well spoken) if she is talking to herself, which she does sometimes. However in front of the class, I had to have a bat's hearing to hear her words! Cait is also one of the only two Wisdom girls. Alex is none other than Lex The Worm himself. Sharp fellow. Their vanguard presentation needs a lot of work though. The words and pictures are coming off!

Bryan and Dylan.
In my head, I always call Bryan, Bryan the Brain because he is very witty and writes very well. Dylan is our resident "excellent student" and his friends never let me forget that. Both their presentation and vanguard sheet were well done.

Elroy and Gabriel.
E and G had the longest presentation of them all because Gabe insisted on naming each of the thirteen Malaysian state's capitals among other things. Elroy was content on being the one holding the vanguard. May I just say that Elroy is very very very talkative? OK I just did.

Wen Xin and Warren.
Warren looks very bored here but don't let him deceive you! I think he was the best speaker. Like Cait, he is a smart mouth. But unlike Cait, he is a loud smart mouth. Both of them did a good job.

Nikhita and Divya.
I loved their vanguard sheet with the black construction paper and silver ink. Nikhi and Div were both very soft and I could hardly hear a word they said so I had to stand closer to the front when they presented. They had a lot of interesting facts on the presentation.

Leeroy and Paul.
These two are 3G's shy boys. They took turns speaking. There was one instant when Lee was supposed to speak but didn't and Paul looked at him angrily. This is the moment I think? I think they were OK.

Anne and Jolyn.
You can't tell from this picture but they kept laughing during their presentation. Anne is quite a confident speaker. This is probably because she is used to stage presence as she is in the choir. Jolyn, on the other hand, kept looking at Anne. Anne doesn't like it when I call her 'Annie' because her sister, Charmaine, was the main star in Annie the Musical! But I call her Annie anyway.

Fabien and Naveed.
Fabien looked very dashing in his traditional Filipino costume. He is not Filipino, of course. This team was quite good because Naveed is a good speaker while Fabien had a lot of facts in his presentation.

Shu Yi and Sindhuja.
This team did a presentation in unison. That means they spoke together at once. It shows that they put in a lot of effort in it. They were very good. Shu Yi and Sindhuja look like they are singing opera or something, right? Well, they weren't.

Ivan and Professor. I mean, Philip.
Now it may look like this team just stood there and said nothing but that is not true! Surprisingly, Ivan was too soft to be heard, considering he has the loudest voice in class. Professor -- I mean, Philip -- memorised his speech, I think. In all, they did OK. I hope Phil doesn't mind me calling him Professor. He just has a good vocabulary. Like a professor.

Kimberly and Fang Qi.
Meet 3G's smallest, cutest girls. I am proud of Fang Qi this term because she is trying very hard to be among the top in class. That is not an easy thing when you are in 3G. Their presentation was very soft. They were also very nervous but were courageous about it. They gave a complete presentation without faltering. Good job!

Ryan and Travis.
I am very worried about these two boys. They fool around so much in class that they get
careless in their daily work! As you can see Travis stole Fabien's Filipino shirt and was very proud of it :D They did OK on their presentation. Both read from the vanguard sheet.

Song Lin and Pei Xuan.
I like how they cut the edges. Very creative. Song Lin is my JokesMaster. She is always saying 'Miss Hidayah, do you want to hear a joke?' Pei Xuan is very cute. She always scream 'Ahhh Don't call me that' when I call her Pei Pei. OK, she doesn't scream. I'm exaggerating. Anyway, their presentation could be better. Not enough facts.
Here are those whom I did not get to snap pictures of during the presentation!

Shawn and Han Seng posing for the camera.

Ashley and Sze Kaye.
Ash is very camera shy. I have no idea why...

Ad'n (pronounced as AD-nee) and Skyler. (You can see Paul in the background posing for the camera :D )

Fernanda, You Xuan and Dawn.
Ah, my whiz girls. I love my whiz girls. Fernanda, YX and Dawn are quiet and very clever girls who hardly give me any trouble in class. I really enjoyed their company when we went for that movie outing!

Gina and Yi Hui.
They laughed and laughed and laughed :D Yi Hui is the second Wisdom girl. Gina was in Hope but then I changed her place to Joy but then again, I changed her place back to Hope because Warren was unbearably noisy.

Poor Darren could not join the presentation fun because he was absent during the topical Math Test and had to do it while the others did their preparatory presentation work. He looked very miserable.
What a long post! I am very tired! Goodnight. See you on Monday.
PS: Jolyn. Stop bringing outsiders in here. This is 3G's blog. I trusted you!