Saturday, March 29, 2008
You and I Are The Perfect Team
I feel as if I have failed 3G because some of the Geniuses think I am unfair. As a young person turning into an adult, I realise that the most annoying and ugly thing about adults is that they never admit it when they are in the wrong.
I am determined, that to be a worthy and deserving teacher to 3G, I will always admit to my mistakes. I will admit to this one too. Perhaps I haven't been paying attention to the quieter Geniuses in 3G.
However, this does not mean I only care for certain Geniuses. I care for all of you and I always feel very sad whenever I think of the day when I have to leave all of you. Index Number 1, Ang Yi Hui all the way to Index Number 43, Warren Yang. All Forty-Three of my Geniuses mean the world to me. You mean the universe to me. And I have already taught you how big the universe is and how it is still expanding.
I feel very proud and also very gratified that one of you posted a comment, criticising me on my attitude. This shows that I teach conscientious, thoughtful, honest and compassionate pupils. That makes me proud to be your teacher. A good student learns and teaches. A good teacher teaches and learns.
We are a perfect team, 3G and I.
When you're older, I hope you always think back to Year 2008, the year of 3G Geniuses. Intelligent, kind hearted Lasallians whom Miss Hidayah is lucky enough to have taught. I hope you remember today's lesson, which is that you must always treat everyone equally, you must always tell the truth and also you must always admit it when you are wrong.
You are my LEGACY, 3G. (Legacy means, you are the children who will carry my lessons, love and spirit in your hearts, long after I am gone!)
Friday, March 28, 2008
1. Longman English
Unit 1 Activity 9, 10, 11
Unit 3 Activity 1, 2
2. Division Worksheet
1. Hand in Road Run Donation card by Monday
2. Multiplication Test on Monday
-Remember, anyone who gets 15/20 and below will have to do extra multiplication worksheets.
Hello everyone. I apologise for the late entry. I just came home, actually.
As I am very tired from the long day, I will post this entry in point form:
- Firstly, Jolyn threatened to kill me if I did not tell her the secret about her. I said, okay, kill me.
- Darren got really sick and Paul was very kind by helping pack his bag and asking him if he was okay.
- Bryan was stubborn over a problem sum and insisted that a girl cannot be 394 years old. (Even though the question said, she has 394 stickers). Warren of course, laughed until his face turned very red.
- The boys are much more naughtier than the girls. I discovered that a lot of boys in 3G are trying to 'woo' certain girls in class. I will not say which girls. Girls, you must watch out for crazy boys! For goodness sakes, Geniuses, you can't divide perfectly yet and you want girlfriends?!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
- Sindhuja won Gold for Indian Dance. CONGRATULATIONS SINDHUJA! (Remember, I helped you sew your costume and it took me two hours okay!)
- Warren and Bryan wanted me to confiscate Duel Master cards and then give it to them... (-_-")
- Pei Xuan is very frustrated with me because I keep calling her 'Pei Pei'. :D
- Travis found a handkerchief on the floor and started acting like a girl!
- Wen Xin amazed me by finishing his Math paper quick as lightning again! It was a hard paper and everyone struggled! Except maybe Law Wen Xin and Gina, who are extremely good students.
- We went to the Eco Garden and the girls screamed so loudly over the snail which I found, so I got very annoyed. Fabien also found many tiny snails sticking to walls. It was really cool.
- Shawn and Elroy are very well behaved these few days. However, Fabien is still not improving much. Fabien, please put in more effort!
- Ad'n used hair gel to comb his hair today and looks very handsome.
- Gina gave me her blog address but I cannot access :(
- I discovered that a lot of people read this blog but they refuse to comment even though I work so hard... :(
Friday's Student of the Week: Sindhuja Naidu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I chose her as Student of the Week because she won the school a Gold medal in the Singapore Youth Festival. Not only that. Even though she missed several important lessons, she could catch up on division and multiplication very very quickly. I was very impressed. You are amazing, Sindhuja! Her group, Hope, will get 80 points.
Note: Please do not use a lot of exclamation marks and question marks at once, in your compositions. I do it because I am too excited.
Hey, how come no one commented on the pictures I took on Sports Day? Everyone looked really handsome and pretty!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Slithering Boys
Math Activity Book, Activity 10 and 11
Gen Knowledge Question:
Which animal is both male and female (hermaphrodites)?
[Answered by Ryan: The Earthworm]
We had two periods of Science today. As it was raining, I was unable to take the class to the eco garden to sketch some lifeforms. Science is the most difficult to teach because my Geniuses always get so excited and have so much to say!
As usual, something unexpected happened. We were going through Unit 4, Animals. We were going through different characteristics of animals and I was explaining how silly it would be if humans slither when they already have legs to walk with.
Suddenly, Mark got out of his seat and started slithering on the floor!!! That was by far the most bizzare and funniest thing I have seen in my class. A boy! Slithering on the floor! Bryan and Warren proceeded to mimic him. (Mimic means copy.) So there were three boys slithering on the floor and laughing.
I don't know what was wrong with Warren today. He kept laughing and when he laughs, he turns very red. He laughed and laughed even though I suspect nothing in particular is funny.
Fabien had his shirt unbuttoned and Warren said "Fabien is so sexy". People found this very funny.
There's nothing much to report today. I was still exhausted from Sports Day and was feeling weak all day.
I discovered a secret. Something to do with Jolyn! Being busybodies, I know you are all dying to know, my Geniuses. But I will not tell you.
Geniuses, you still are not making use of the comment box and asking me questions! I demand that you do!
Goodnight and see you tomorrow. Be prepared for lots of weekend homework.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Sports Day Was Hot
Today was Sports Day and it was the hottest day I have ever experienced. Lasallians were sweating profusely and begging for drinks. Bryan even filled his bottle with toilet water because he could not stand the thirst!
Sports Day was fun. It was a time when I get to just hang out with the Geniuses from Director House who are, Jolyn, Pei Xuan, Kim, Darren, Paul, Skyler, Bryan, Shawn and Fernanda. There were also other Lasallians like Isabelle, Aseera, Coco Lee, Lika Lika, Bubu and many more. Mojo Jojo and her friends kept following me around and breathing my air though. Everytime I chase them off they come back!
As Director House was at the far corner of the Stadium, we did not know what was going on. We only started shouting and cheering when races began. I cheered so loudly that the P5 and 6 looked at me as if I was crazy. The Director House emerged champion JUST as I predicted! My Geniuses, you must know that any force on Earth with Miss Hidayah in it will triumph! :D (That means win. Use it in your compositions!)
Anyway, Mojo Jojo, the boys and I had fun screaming, talking, laughing. Too bad I won't be around next year :(
CONGRATULATIONS to Shawn, Fernanda, Han Seng and my dear Nikhita for their Bronze, Silver and Gold medals! I am so proud of all of you! Here are some pictures:

From left, Lika Lika, Kimmy, Pei Pei and head of unknown boy. Lika Lika looks so happy because what she is holding in the picture is my packet of food which she stole. Pei Pei is frowning because it was extremely hot. When I look at her in this picture, it's like she's saying 'Eiye, Miss Hidayah stop being so childish. I don't like okay!'

From left, Isabelle and Jolyn. Isabelle is very sweet because she is still smiling even after I called her Isabelly. Everytime I see her I will call her Belly Belly. You can see Jolyn is sweating. It's because it was an EXTREMELY hot day. Jolyn is a prefect, Math Rep and one of the best students among the Geniuses. But secretly, she is actually Mojo Jojo. Really.

From left, Bryan, Darren and Paul. Bryan was in a bad mood because he was thirsty. He was so thirsty that he drank tap water from the toilet. He is also an English Genius. Darren just came back from 15 days MC over a mysterious disease. But he's okay now. Paul looks fierce, right? He's a very disciplined boy. I think he looks handsome in this picture :D It's like he is saying: Stop it! Miss Hidayah!

From left, Coco Lee and Jolyn. Jolyn is laughing so hard because Miss Hidayah is so darn funny. She looks like mad woman because she is laughing so hard. It's not her fault. I'm too funny. When she's not sweating and laughing like a crazy woman, she is a very pretty girl. (A lot of boys in 3G like her but I won't tell you who)

This is Anjelika but I call her Lika Lika. She follows me around and calls me weird names like Miss Hidada and Miss Hidaza. She doesn't know my name.

This is Buvani AKA Bu Bu! Isn't she sweet? She is, isn't she?

From left, Darr, Pei Pei, Paul and Law Wen Xin AKA Wen Wen. Pei Pei looks happy this time. Paul looks handsome as usual and Wen Wen is saying, Eh Miss Hidayah taking our picture. Wen Wen has a very big brain and is the best boy in class!

This is Shawn! I think Shawn is very cute even though he is very very very talkative. However, he is very smart. Of course he is smart! He is a Genius. My Geniuses are all smart. Shawn will grow up to be a very handsome and smart young man who owns a private jet and flies old Miss Hidayah all over the world for free. Right, Shawn?

This is Skyler! In the background, you can see the Director flag waving. Skyler wanted to hold on to the flag while I was holding on to it but then I said, The flag is for only bigger boys and girls from P5 and 6. I said it for a good reason too! These P3 Lasallians are small and will fall over when holding on to the big flag. Skyler, you know you look a lot like your brother, Rainer! But I like your name more. I've always preferred the blue sky to rain.
That's all for today. See you tomorrow, 3G.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Bryan The Rock Star
1. Challenging Sums Question 7 - 10
-Models, number sentences, final sentences and working must be included.
2. Multiplication worksheet.
1. Art on Thursday. Please bring:
-ice cream stick
-construction paper
-colour pencil
2. Sports Day TOMORROW
-assemble at the courtyard according to your houses by 7.15 AM [DON'T BE LATE]
-bring water bottle and bell bracelet
-no lessons
Today's Gen Knowledge Question:
Which element is represented by 'Sn' on the periodic table?
[Answered by Gina: Tin.]
I don't really like Tuesdays because I have only four periods with my form class. I worry all the time what they are up to, and whether they are behaving and respecting other teachers. I have pride in my class and get very upset if they show any signs of misbehaviour.
Just now, we had Health Ed, English and double Math. English lesson was hilarious! That means funny, 3G. [Use this word in your compositions] The lesson was on Vocabulary under the theme of Malaysia and also singing terms namely, solo, duet, choir and acapella. We learned words like peninsula, climate and monsoon. [Professor Philip was most helpful]. We also had fun talking about drains and floods and other things.
The hilarious part was Bryan! I was explaining what acapella is and he raised his hand. I had no idea he was going to volunteer to sing acapella in front of the whole class but he did! He got out of his seat and went to the front of the class with his hands raised like a rock star. Then he sang something I could not really make out about Fabien. It was really funny! He kept slapping his forehead whenever he made a mistake.
The class enjoyed it. We gave him a round of applause. That was really a great act of courage and entertainment, Bryan! Very admirable! I'm really proud of you! As usual Warren laughed until his face turned very red.
Today, Travis asked me if we could eat those parasitic worms to slim down. Class clown. (-_-")
I think the girls in my class are getting more outspoken. They rarely ever participated in class in the beginning of Term 1 but now even Yi Hui has a loud voice! Let me mention some talkative girls. There is Jie Ling whose voice is very loud. Fang Qi has a loud voice too but this term, I can tell she is trying to improve on her studies and rarely makes any noise. Kim and Ashley are also talkative and like to giggle. Don't get me wrong, these girls are very bright and responsible. Loud voices do not mean they're not well behaved.
Poor Sze Kaye had to bear being teased again by the boys in Hope. You see, the whole class thinks Fabien has a crush on Sze Kaye. I have no idea if that is true or not but Warren, Bryan and Dylan love to write all sort of nonsense about Fabien and Sze Kaye. It's hard to keep up. I heard that Fabien used to like Jolyn.
A bad incident happened. Ivan hurt Warren with a basketball during PE. Mr Indra was so angry that I was afraid he was going to hit Ivan. I managed to talk to Indra and he calmed down a little after I talked to Ivan. I am very disappointed in Ivan. He could have broken Warren's nose or worse! Warren's fine and Ivan was very regretful for his act and has already apologised. He is a good boy. Just very careless and rough.
Okay, I will see you all tomorrow on Sports Day!
Remember to do your homework. And please don't hesitate to post questions about anything at all under the comments. Especially the girls who don't participate much in class :( I want to hear more from you ladies! I notice only Jolyn and Alex has participated so far. Where are the rest of you?? PAUL! I know you're reading this! :D
Monday, March 24, 2008
Heuristic Approach to Problem Solving (HAPS) Worksheet
Bring your Sports Day bracelet tomorrow!
Today's Gen Knowledge Question:
Roughly how old is the sun?
[Answered by Anne: 5 billion years old]
Today was very busy as always. There seems to be so many things to do with 3G. Math 1, Math 2, Challenging Sums, Mental Sums, Activity Books, Spelling, Journal, Words and Phrases, Composition, Longman...
There was spelling and dictation today. I was very disappointed in last week's spelling marks. Most of the class scored an average of 7 out of 10, which is lousy for their standards.
We also had a slight fighting incident in class where Mark hit Elroy on the chest. It was so hard that I could hear the impact! So being unable to control my anger, I screamed at Mark. Not "AAaaaaah!" of course. Just a reprimand. They were forbidden to go for recess because of that. It was partly Elroy's fault too for annoying Mark, who is a nice quiet boy but very quick to anger. After that incident, I switched Elroy's place with Leeroy's. So Wisdom has two chatterboxes now: Shawn and Elroy.
But they're sensible boys. I think they will learn to behave when being put in such a good group like Wisdom. My best boys are there, namely Paul, Skyler and Ad'n, who are among the smartest, most responsible boys in class.
Speaking of boys, Travis was goofy as usual. While in the middle of explaining something, I spotted him sitting on Ryan's lap and could not help but laugh a little! It was such a strange sight! That boy is always up to something! He laughed cheekily and sat back on his chair. Funny guy. I'm sure I will have a lot to write about him on this blog.
Earlier in the day, I saw this MASSIVE grasshopper which was gold, yellow and green. I thought of capturing it to keep as a class pet as Feeler is suspected to be dead. So, I called to Travis and engaged his help in capturing it but the MASSIVE grasshopper flew away... What a waste.
Enough about the boys. Divya and Jolyn laughed at me just now for bumping into Mr Tan while I was walking backwards. So I laughed along and they laughed and I laughed and they laughed. You get the idea. They like to laugh at me. Divya's the Science Rep and Jolyn's the Math Rep. So, one is a Science whiz and the other is a Math whiz.
My class is full of whizzes. Like Gina. Her haiku was chosen for an International Haiku Competition in Japan! It was between hers and Bryan's but the other teachers thought hers was better. Bryan's also another English whiz. He writes these long compositions which are very well written. A true writer.
That's all for today's entry, 3G. See you tomorrow. Don't forget to do your homework.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
There are a lot of teachers in De La Salle who have started blogs so I will start one too! Knowing my form class, 3G, they will surely accuse me of being a Copycat. Well, no matter.
First, for the benefit of strangers, let me introduce myself. I am Miss Hidayah. Currently I am teaching at De La Salle School with 3G as my form class. 3G is a class I am very proud of because they are hardworking, very smart and best of all, funny. However, they do give me problems like not taking their studies seriously enough and not doing their absolute best! I expect 100% A(s) for SA1, okay 3G? That means getting at least an 80 for all subjects!
Anyway, I am 21 years old but I am 15 years old at heart. I read a lot and love Science, especially Zoology and Astronomy. Despite being a young adult I still watch cartoons, enjoy playing PSP games and collect Duel Master cards, but don't tell anyone!
My current form class, 3G is made up of forty-three clever nine-year-olds who love to ask questions, crack jokes and ask me all sorts of riddles in class. They are divided into six groups namely, Courage, Hope, Love, Joy, Effort and Wisdom. We have a point reward system whereby I award points to the groups which behave well, and deduct points from those which disrupt my lessons and do not hand in homework that is assigned. Last term, group Joy won and we went to watch a movie just now called Spiderwick Chronicles!
The girls said that it was scary while Denzel sadly announced that his dad wanted him to write a review of the movie in composition format! Yikes! It sounds tough! Good luck, Denzel! I know you can do it.
I must also mention that we won The Cleanest/Most Inviting Classroom of Level 2! Special thanks to Divya, Jolyn, Gina, Pei Xuan, Shu Yi and Nikhita for coming so early in the day to help me decorate the classboard. Thanks to the six groups too for decorating the cupboard, the library corner and also the front board.
We rock!
Anyway, to end this entry, I will list down the objectives of this blog:
- To list homework/assignments
- To have my form class post their many questions in my comment box or my tagboard
- To learn more about myself as a teacher and more about the young padawan learners of my form class
- To strengthen the teacher-student bond
Watch this space.