Longman English
Unit 1 Activity 20, 21, 22
Unit 3 Activity 9, 10, 11
Oral Exam on Tuesday
English Files and Spelling books to be handed in LATEST by Monday
Hello my young-lings. I know you are all wondering why is this post up so late. It is because my computer is falling apart and it was not functioning properly yesterday!
Today it seems to be working fine so here I am.
Pity. Since I spend so much time reading Science books and articles, when it comes to remembering simple things, my memory is very poor so I can't really recall what happened on Friday.
There was that computer lesson with Mr Hardi which was kind of funny because he confidently stated that he wanted to write about 'crab' but instead, on his computer for all the class to see, he typed in 'crap'. The class found this extremely funny and laughed at him for a while. Luckily he is a good sport so he laughed along.
We spent a lot of time practising oral. I spent one period on how to carry out a good picture conversation and the next two period testing half the class on oral individually. Not surprisingly, they did quite well. I've always known my Gs are good speakers.
Now, don't let this make you overconfident, Geniuses. Practice, practice, practice. You do not even need to have a picture to practice your picture conversation. Just use what you see around you. The point of picture conversation is for the examiner to see that you can speak well and with appropriate tenses.
Just remember, always use present tense, never use your finger to point and never jump from one spot to another. Use a clockwise direction. When you talk about the picture, do not just describe what is obvious in the picture. Always offer your opinion. This shows thoughtfulness and wit.
Anyway, that aside, there is this RLspy character roaming around cyberworld. I know he is one of you, playing a prank. Desist such folly, my young ones, for it is no use. I am not as stupid as you think me.
See you on Monday.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Math Activity Book 9-13
Thursday rarely goes badly because it's THURSDAY! We started off with English lesson at they computer lab where we learned about synonyms and how to set a mood for compositions. The Vice Principal sat in for the lesson too. I think the lesson went OK. I was impressed at the amount of synonyms the class could come up with and how good they are in writing the beginnings of a composition.
I wonder why the actual composition they write is not as good.
Travis wrote a paragraph about how I taught him to fly.

Science went very well. Fabien succeeded in growing the best bread mold. The fungi growth was two circular spot next to each other. Like eyes. So we named the bread, Mrs Fungi. It is still in class. After we finished two activities about bread mold and fungi growth on the jelly, the Gs asked me question after question about bacteria, cells and immortality! It was endless!
What are cells??
How do we get rid of bacteria??
What happens when we have too many white blood cells??
What are red blood cells for??
Why do cells die under UV rays??
And it went on and on and on and on. I love answering questions, really. I have never met another group of kids who ask this much questions! It was draining...
Just now there was a boy from P4 who attacked Fabien. He was very upset. It made me upset too. It seems our class has been victimised by the upper primary a lot these few weeks!
Our notices keep getting torn down and our art pieces are sometimes removed. I have to come early every day to keep an eye on our displays.
OK tomorrow we are going to have oral exam practice. Tuesday is the oral exam itself so please please please practice your reading and conversational skills when you're free. Your oral exam can very well save you if you did not do as well as you wanted in English.
See you tomorrow.
Math Activity Book 9-13
Thursday rarely goes badly because it's THURSDAY! We started off with English lesson at they computer lab where we learned about synonyms and how to set a mood for compositions. The Vice Principal sat in for the lesson too. I think the lesson went OK. I was impressed at the amount of synonyms the class could come up with and how good they are in writing the beginnings of a composition.
I wonder why the actual composition they write is not as good.
Travis wrote a paragraph about how I taught him to fly.
Science went very well. Fabien succeeded in growing the best bread mold. The fungi growth was two circular spot next to each other. Like eyes. So we named the bread, Mrs Fungi. It is still in class. After we finished two activities about bread mold and fungi growth on the jelly, the Gs asked me question after question about bacteria, cells and immortality! It was endless!
What are cells??
How do we get rid of bacteria??
What happens when we have too many white blood cells??
What are red blood cells for??
Why do cells die under UV rays??
And it went on and on and on and on. I love answering questions, really. I have never met another group of kids who ask this much questions! It was draining...
Just now there was a boy from P4 who attacked Fabien. He was very upset. It made me upset too. It seems our class has been victimised by the upper primary a lot these few weeks!
Our notices keep getting torn down and our art pieces are sometimes removed. I have to come early every day to keep an eye on our displays.
OK tomorrow we are going to have oral exam practice. Tuesday is the oral exam itself so please please please practice your reading and conversational skills when you're free. Your oral exam can very well save you if you did not do as well as you wanted in English.
See you tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Answer to Anonymous' Question
Today, at 8.50 PM, ANONYMOUS posted this comment,
Dear Anonymous,
You asked a very big question so get ready for a big answer.
Pluto is not considered a planet. Who decides this? The International Astronomical Union.
They have decided to classify Pluto as a dwarf planet as they discovered something about Pluto.
Before I explain, you must know two terms.
Orbit - the path taken by an object in space around another object in space. The dotted lines you see is an orbit. Orbit is usually circular or elliptical (like an oval shape).

Mass: To put it very simply, mass is the amount of space an object takes up.
Now, to be a planet, an object must:
Point 1: orbit around the sun
Point 2: be big enough so that gravity shapes it into a sphere (circle). This point is hard to explain without using a lot of astronomical words which you may not understand. Just know that if an object in space is big enough, it will have a gravitational force which pulls the object into shape. Confusing, right?
Point 3: have mass that is bigger than the mass of objects in its own orbit.
As you can see from Earth's picture which I displayed above, Earth's mass is much much bigger than the objects that might be in its orbit. However Pluto...

See? There are objects in Pluto's orbit which is bigger than Pluto! Pluto's orbit is MASSIVE! Bigger than Pluto!
Pluto passed point 1 and point 2 but failed point 3. So according to the learned men and women of the International Astronomical Union, this means that Pluto is NOT a planet but a dwarf planet.
What is a dwarf planet? It is just a planet which like Pluto, passes point 1 and point 2 but fails point 3!
Now you must also know that scientists are still arguing over what exactly to call Pluto. So Pluto is still a mysterious object to them.
Do you know that other than the eight planets and Pluto, there are other planetary objects in the Solar System? One is called Sedna. It is very far from the Sun and it takes 10, 500 years to go around the sun!!! We only take 1 year! Can you imagine how far Sedna is??????? I can't!
I hope I have answered your question.
I am glad to that you are asking very good questions. Feel free to ask more questions and I will answer them to the best of my knowledge and ability.
Dear Anonymous,
You asked a very big question so get ready for a big answer.
Pluto is not considered a planet. Who decides this? The International Astronomical Union.
They have decided to classify Pluto as a dwarf planet as they discovered something about Pluto.
Before I explain, you must know two terms.
Orbit - the path taken by an object in space around another object in space. The dotted lines you see is an orbit. Orbit is usually circular or elliptical (like an oval shape).
Mass: To put it very simply, mass is the amount of space an object takes up.
Now, to be a planet, an object must:
Point 1: orbit around the sun
Point 2: be big enough so that gravity shapes it into a sphere (circle). This point is hard to explain without using a lot of astronomical words which you may not understand. Just know that if an object in space is big enough, it will have a gravitational force which pulls the object into shape. Confusing, right?
Point 3: have mass that is bigger than the mass of objects in its own orbit.
As you can see from Earth's picture which I displayed above, Earth's mass is much much bigger than the objects that might be in its orbit. However Pluto...
See? There are objects in Pluto's orbit which is bigger than Pluto! Pluto's orbit is MASSIVE! Bigger than Pluto!
Pluto passed point 1 and point 2 but failed point 3. So according to the learned men and women of the International Astronomical Union, this means that Pluto is NOT a planet but a dwarf planet.
What is a dwarf planet? It is just a planet which like Pluto, passes point 1 and point 2 but fails point 3!
Now you must also know that scientists are still arguing over what exactly to call Pluto. So Pluto is still a mysterious object to them.
Do you know that other than the eight planets and Pluto, there are other planetary objects in the Solar System? One is called Sedna. It is very far from the Sun and it takes 10, 500 years to go around the sun!!! We only take 1 year! Can you imagine how far Sedna is??????? I can't!
I hope I have answered your question.
I am glad to that you are asking very good questions. Feel free to ask more questions and I will answer them to the best of my knowledge and ability.
Scientists or Unhygienic Beasts?
Art materials--
1. Used magazines
2. Scissors
3. Paintbrush
4. Poster/Watercolour Paint
Spelling books are to be signed by parents and returned to me tomorrow.
Math 2 Exercise Books to be returned tomorrow.
The computer is back in action so here I am.
Firstly, I would like to congratulate the class for successfully cultivating the best grown and most disgusting fungi of the level! I have checked the progress of other classes and it seems none has any form of green growth similar to ours. They only have tiny black dots to show that bacteria is present.
Do you know that even the specimen I put in the FREEZER has a little bit of fungi growth?! This is amazing as the Science coursebook has mentioned that fungi may not be able to grow in very cold temperature but it seems that ours did! This is very fascinating but also quite disturbing...
I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing that we have the best fungi growth. Are we great scientists or filthy (dirty) Lasallians? :D
All for the name of Science, anyway!
I wish I can teach you all in Primary Four too! That's when we start on the Solar System, my favourite Science topic and the one I'm most knowledgeable at! Too bad though... I'm sure you'll have a blast learning about it anyway :)
Today, there were major changes of groups as Group Courage is a rowdy bunch of people. As they are seated in front of Group Hope, it proves to be a bad combination as Group Hope is also a bunch of noisy people. So, the entire Group Joy and Group Courage has switched places. Now, Group Courage is right in front of the board and under my close monitoring. Jolyn has complained that that position in class makes it very uncomfortable because it is very hot.
Now you know how I feel standing in the middle, teaching you. It is very hot.
Anyway, Naveed has this really cool torchlight which is powered by kinetic energy! It is too cool! Kinetic means movement or motion. So to power to the torchlight, you just have to squeeze the handle repeatedly and this kinetic energy is converted to light energy. How interesting and very innovative!
Alex had a bad headache and had to go home early just now... I hope he is OK.
Unlike usual days, I cannot type much tonight as it is quite late already and I have to get some rest. I will see you tomorrow.
Art materials--
1. Used magazines
2. Scissors
3. Paintbrush
4. Poster/Watercolour Paint
Spelling books are to be signed by parents and returned to me tomorrow.
Math 2 Exercise Books to be returned tomorrow.
The computer is back in action so here I am.
Firstly, I would like to congratulate the class for successfully cultivating the best grown and most disgusting fungi of the level! I have checked the progress of other classes and it seems none has any form of green growth similar to ours. They only have tiny black dots to show that bacteria is present.
Do you know that even the specimen I put in the FREEZER has a little bit of fungi growth?! This is amazing as the Science coursebook has mentioned that fungi may not be able to grow in very cold temperature but it seems that ours did! This is very fascinating but also quite disturbing...
I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing that we have the best fungi growth. Are we great scientists or filthy (dirty) Lasallians? :D
All for the name of Science, anyway!
I wish I can teach you all in Primary Four too! That's when we start on the Solar System, my favourite Science topic and the one I'm most knowledgeable at! Too bad though... I'm sure you'll have a blast learning about it anyway :)
Today, there were major changes of groups as Group Courage is a rowdy bunch of people. As they are seated in front of Group Hope, it proves to be a bad combination as Group Hope is also a bunch of noisy people. So, the entire Group Joy and Group Courage has switched places. Now, Group Courage is right in front of the board and under my close monitoring. Jolyn has complained that that position in class makes it very uncomfortable because it is very hot.
Now you know how I feel standing in the middle, teaching you. It is very hot.
Anyway, Naveed has this really cool torchlight which is powered by kinetic energy! It is too cool! Kinetic means movement or motion. So to power to the torchlight, you just have to squeeze the handle repeatedly and this kinetic energy is converted to light energy. How interesting and very innovative!
Alex had a bad headache and had to go home early just now... I hope he is OK.
Unlike usual days, I cannot type much tonight as it is quite late already and I have to get some rest. I will see you tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Health Education Lesson 4-6 by Friday.
Those who have not handed in their English File, please do so by tomorrow!
Tuesday is rarely a good day because we have so little time. What little time we had was spent doing Spelling, Mental Sums and a Division Worksheet. Our school is famous for its generous amount of worksheets! There are a lot of worksheets to be cleared before the exams!
There is nothing much to report today because I only saw the class for a few periods. 3G is very fussy about everything. For example just now, during Spelling, Han Seng told me that I do not have to read out the Dictation text with so much expression! I did not realise I was such a drama queen... So, abiding by Han Seng's suggestion, I read monotonously (only one tone of voice) and very quickly. The class groaned and grumbled so Han Seng finally gave in and that I should read with a lot of expression. I am after all the Queen of 3G! Therefore it is only right that I am a Drama Queen too!
A picture of Queen Elizabeth II:

Anyway... Naveed requested a change of seat because he claimed that Mark kept hitting him but then their group members said they are a perfect match for each other because they take turns singing while doing their work. I have always wondered where that mysterious singing came from... So, no change of places for Naveed. You two belong together!
Nikhita finally received her glasses and returned to Group Love happily. Seeing her in Group Joy is always strange. Even though she was previously a member of Joy, I guess it suits her to sit among my Whiz Girls, Fernanda Anaconda, You Xuan and Dawn [Ex members of Joy].
Just now, Anne returned to school only at 430 PM because she was in SYF! She's part of the choir remember? I hope they did well. Some teachers have commented that Anne sings with a lot of expression. So she is just like me. Drama Queen. Since I'm Queen Elizabeth II then Anne can be Queen Isabella of Spain:

Alright, I shall stop typing nonsense. I blame it on this fever of mine. Anyway, speaking of Anne, Elroy knocked over her water bottle and once again I have to mop... In a week, I have to mop up spilled water at least once. I feel like a cleaner. Never mind, at least I have my Mop Girls. You know who you are, Mop Girl 1 and Mop Girl 2.
It has to be girls because the boys' washroom has no mop and their toilet paper runs out very quickly.
Just now I received news of another boy liking a girl. I will not mention who, of course. But I will talk of this liking thing further tomorrow. Now I have to rest. Goodnight and see you tomorrow.
Health Education Lesson 4-6 by Friday.
Those who have not handed in their English File, please do so by tomorrow!
Tuesday is rarely a good day because we have so little time. What little time we had was spent doing Spelling, Mental Sums and a Division Worksheet. Our school is famous for its generous amount of worksheets! There are a lot of worksheets to be cleared before the exams!
There is nothing much to report today because I only saw the class for a few periods. 3G is very fussy about everything. For example just now, during Spelling, Han Seng told me that I do not have to read out the Dictation text with so much expression! I did not realise I was such a drama queen... So, abiding by Han Seng's suggestion, I read monotonously (only one tone of voice) and very quickly. The class groaned and grumbled so Han Seng finally gave in and that I should read with a lot of expression. I am after all the Queen of 3G! Therefore it is only right that I am a Drama Queen too!
A picture of Queen Elizabeth II:
Anyway... Naveed requested a change of seat because he claimed that Mark kept hitting him but then their group members said they are a perfect match for each other because they take turns singing while doing their work. I have always wondered where that mysterious singing came from... So, no change of places for Naveed. You two belong together!
Nikhita finally received her glasses and returned to Group Love happily. Seeing her in Group Joy is always strange. Even though she was previously a member of Joy, I guess it suits her to sit among my Whiz Girls, Fernanda Anaconda, You Xuan and Dawn [Ex members of Joy].
Just now, Anne returned to school only at 430 PM because she was in SYF! She's part of the choir remember? I hope they did well. Some teachers have commented that Anne sings with a lot of expression. So she is just like me. Drama Queen. Since I'm Queen Elizabeth II then Anne can be Queen Isabella of Spain:
Alright, I shall stop typing nonsense. I blame it on this fever of mine. Anyway, speaking of Anne, Elroy knocked over her water bottle and once again I have to mop... In a week, I have to mop up spilled water at least once. I feel like a cleaner. Never mind, at least I have my Mop Girls. You know who you are, Mop Girl 1 and Mop Girl 2.
It has to be girls because the boys' washroom has no mop and their toilet paper runs out very quickly.
Just now I received news of another boy liking a girl. I will not mention who, of course. But I will talk of this liking thing further tomorrow. Now I have to rest. Goodnight and see you tomorrow.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Miss Hidayah Is Host To A War Between Microbes And Cells!
Hello Gs. Unfortunately, today I woke up with a blinding headache, fever and a racking cough. I do badly want to come to school anyway despite this, but it isn't nice to pass my germs around especially when I cough every few minutes. This sickness comes at the wrong time! Today is Spelling and your books are locked up in my cupboard.
I hope all of you respect the relief teacher who will be taking over and show that without a doubt, our class is the best in the level.
Prefects and the monitors, I hope you remember your duties as school and class leaders.
Since I'm here already, let me tell you more about fevers as it has a little something to do with the current Science topic we're studying, which is Fungi and Bacteria.
Fevers happen when your body is trying to fight off an infection (bacteria or viruses are trying to damage your body.)
Our bodies have white blood cells. Here is what a white blood cell looks like:

White blood cells are like the body's army. They are the ones which fight off infection. So, when we have a fever, it means our bodies are producing a lot of white blood cells and these amazing cells attack the germs!
As these white blood cells fight, it causes our body temperature to rise. When body temperature rises, the environment in our body becomes very uncomfortable for pathogens, which are germs. So that is why your body feels hot when you have a fever.
This is a picture of a type of white blood cell called the macrophage, seeking out foreign bacteria and then destroying it. The tentacles you see are called the filopodia. You have got to admit, white blood cells are way cooler than the Pokemon and Digimon you obsess about!

So there is nothing wrong with you if you are having a fever. It simply means there is some germ or bacteria trying to infect your body and your body is calling upon its army to fight it off! Isn't it interesting, the things happening inside your body? You must know these things if you are to be learned boys and girls.
HOWEVER, it does not mean that fever cannot be a serious thing. It can also be a sign that there are strong viruses in your body. Sometimes, white blood cells are not strong enough to fight off viruses and bacteria. Sometimes, we do not have enough white blood cells.
Do not worry too much though. A fever is usually not serious and your white blood cells rarely lets you down. They are quite a powerful army, these white blood cells. That's why I say, no matter how cool Pokemon are, Science is cooler. Commit a life to studying science and not memorising Pokemon names and playing Pokemon games, and you will discover things beyond your wildest dreams! You have my word on that.

Anyway, if you have a fever, get plenty of rest and wait patiently as your body does its work. Don't be like me, typing away on the computer. :P
Even though I'm sick, at least you learnt something new today about fevers, right?
See you tomorrow. I must get some rest before I pass out.
I hope all of you respect the relief teacher who will be taking over and show that without a doubt, our class is the best in the level.
Prefects and the monitors, I hope you remember your duties as school and class leaders.
Since I'm here already, let me tell you more about fevers as it has a little something to do with the current Science topic we're studying, which is Fungi and Bacteria.
Fevers happen when your body is trying to fight off an infection (bacteria or viruses are trying to damage your body.)
Our bodies have white blood cells. Here is what a white blood cell looks like:
White blood cells are like the body's army. They are the ones which fight off infection. So, when we have a fever, it means our bodies are producing a lot of white blood cells and these amazing cells attack the germs!
As these white blood cells fight, it causes our body temperature to rise. When body temperature rises, the environment in our body becomes very uncomfortable for pathogens, which are germs. So that is why your body feels hot when you have a fever.
This is a picture of a type of white blood cell called the macrophage, seeking out foreign bacteria and then destroying it. The tentacles you see are called the filopodia. You have got to admit, white blood cells are way cooler than the Pokemon and Digimon you obsess about!
So there is nothing wrong with you if you are having a fever. It simply means there is some germ or bacteria trying to infect your body and your body is calling upon its army to fight it off! Isn't it interesting, the things happening inside your body? You must know these things if you are to be learned boys and girls.
HOWEVER, it does not mean that fever cannot be a serious thing. It can also be a sign that there are strong viruses in your body. Sometimes, white blood cells are not strong enough to fight off viruses and bacteria. Sometimes, we do not have enough white blood cells.
Do not worry too much though. A fever is usually not serious and your white blood cells rarely lets you down. They are quite a powerful army, these white blood cells. That's why I say, no matter how cool Pokemon are, Science is cooler. Commit a life to studying science and not memorising Pokemon names and playing Pokemon games, and you will discover things beyond your wildest dreams! You have my word on that.

Anyway, if you have a fever, get plenty of rest and wait patiently as your body does its work. Don't be like me, typing away on the computer. :P
Even though I'm sick, at least you learnt something new today about fevers, right?
See you tomorrow. I must get some rest before I pass out.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Happy Belated Birthday Paul!
I am very sorry I did not read the cbox yesterday and missed your message...
Anyway, in light of your birthday, I'd like to thank you for being my point taker for two months and for keeping Group Wisdom as good as it is now.
You are nine years old and you are truly wonderful!
Happy birthday! (belated)
I am very sorry I did not read the cbox yesterday and missed your message...
Anyway, in light of your birthday, I'd like to thank you for being my point taker for two months and for keeping Group Wisdom as good as it is now.
You are nine years old and you are truly wonderful!
Happy birthday! (belated)
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