I hope all of you respect the relief teacher who will be taking over and show that without a doubt, our class is the best in the level.
Prefects and the monitors, I hope you remember your duties as school and class leaders.
Since I'm here already, let me tell you more about fevers as it has a little something to do with the current Science topic we're studying, which is Fungi and Bacteria.
Fevers happen when your body is trying to fight off an infection (bacteria or viruses are trying to damage your body.)
Our bodies have white blood cells. Here is what a white blood cell looks like:
White blood cells are like the body's army. They are the ones which fight off infection. So, when we have a fever, it means our bodies are producing a lot of white blood cells and these amazing cells attack the germs!
As these white blood cells fight, it causes our body temperature to rise. When body temperature rises, the environment in our body becomes very uncomfortable for pathogens, which are germs. So that is why your body feels hot when you have a fever.
This is a picture of a type of white blood cell called the macrophage, seeking out foreign bacteria and then destroying it. The tentacles you see are called the filopodia. You have got to admit, white blood cells are way cooler than the Pokemon and Digimon you obsess about!
So there is nothing wrong with you if you are having a fever. It simply means there is some germ or bacteria trying to infect your body and your body is calling upon its army to fight it off! Isn't it interesting, the things happening inside your body? You must know these things if you are to be learned boys and girls.
HOWEVER, it does not mean that fever cannot be a serious thing. It can also be a sign that there are strong viruses in your body. Sometimes, white blood cells are not strong enough to fight off viruses and bacteria. Sometimes, we do not have enough white blood cells.
Do not worry too much though. A fever is usually not serious and your white blood cells rarely lets you down. They are quite a powerful army, these white blood cells. That's why I say, no matter how cool Pokemon are, Science is cooler. Commit a life to studying science and not memorising Pokemon names and playing Pokemon games, and you will discover things beyond your wildest dreams! You have my word on that.

Anyway, if you have a fever, get plenty of rest and wait patiently as your body does its work. Don't be like me, typing away on the computer. :P
Even though I'm sick, at least you learnt something new today about fevers, right?
See you tomorrow. I must get some rest before I pass out.
miss Hidayah the pionts r rub away.too bad
why does the white blood cell look like a flower & a spider. & why wenwen spell the word points wrongly?
Wen: Who erased the points?!
Paul: The first picture is when the white blood cell is not active. The second picture shows the white blood cell when it is capturing and destroying bacteria.
Glad to know someone takes the Effort to actually read about the causes of fever :)
will you be coming 2 school today? hope you r feeling better than me as i have a terrible cough,running nose and sore throat.
Gina: I'm sorry to hear you're sick too... Sore throat is the worst, isn't it? You can't even swallow without feeling pain.
Drink lots of hot water or tea. It will soothe your throat. I'll see you tomorrow. Take good care of yourself, Gina.
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