Health Education Lesson 4-6 by Friday.
Those who have not handed in their English File, please do so by tomorrow!
Tuesday is rarely a good day because we have so little time. What little time we had was spent doing Spelling, Mental Sums and a Division Worksheet. Our school is famous for its generous amount of worksheets! There are a lot of worksheets to be cleared before the exams!
There is nothing much to report today because I only saw the class for a few periods. 3G is very fussy about everything. For example just now, during Spelling, Han Seng told me that I do not have to read out the Dictation text with so much expression! I did not realise I was such a drama queen... So, abiding by Han Seng's suggestion, I read monotonously (only one tone of voice) and very quickly. The class groaned and grumbled so Han Seng finally gave in and that I should read with a lot of expression. I am after all the Queen of 3G! Therefore it is only right that I am a Drama Queen too!
A picture of Queen Elizabeth II:
Anyway... Naveed requested a change of seat because he claimed that Mark kept hitting him but then their group members said they are a perfect match for each other because they take turns singing while doing their work. I have always wondered where that mysterious singing came from... So, no change of places for Naveed. You two belong together!
Nikhita finally received her glasses and returned to Group Love happily. Seeing her in Group Joy is always strange. Even though she was previously a member of Joy, I guess it suits her to sit among my Whiz Girls, Fernanda Anaconda, You Xuan and Dawn [Ex members of Joy].
Just now, Anne returned to school only at 430 PM because she was in SYF! She's part of the choir remember? I hope they did well. Some teachers have commented that Anne sings with a lot of expression. So she is just like me. Drama Queen. Since I'm Queen Elizabeth II then Anne can be Queen Isabella of Spain:
Alright, I shall stop typing nonsense. I blame it on this fever of mine. Anyway, speaking of Anne, Elroy knocked over her water bottle and once again I have to mop... In a week, I have to mop up spilled water at least once. I feel like a cleaner. Never mind, at least I have my Mop Girls. You know who you are, Mop Girl 1 and Mop Girl 2.
It has to be girls because the boys' washroom has no mop and their toilet paper runs out very quickly.
Just now I received news of another boy liking a girl. I will not mention who, of course. But I will talk of this liking thing further tomorrow. Now I have to rest. Goodnight and see you tomorrow.
very few people are commenting on the posts except me & wen wen .
Yes... Sometimes I wonder if you all even read what I write because I usually write such long entries. I cannot help myself because I am naturally a writer even if I am not a perfect one yet...
Thanks for commenting :)
And thanks for becoming my Grand Point Master again! Those P5 are really too much!! Erasing our points and tearing down our notices... I am quite angry with them!
Well,in a sort of way,you are correct.
I actually do read the posts but never comment.
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