Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Scientists or Unhygienic Beasts?

Art materials--
1. Used magazines
2. Scissors
3. Paintbrush
4. Poster/Watercolour Paint

Spelling books are to be signed by parents and returned to me tomorrow.

Math 2 Exercise Books to be returned tomorrow.


The computer is back in action so here I am.

Firstly, I would like to congratulate the class for successfully cultivating the best grown and most disgusting fungi of the level! I have checked the progress of other classes and it seems none has any form of green growth similar to ours. They only have tiny black dots to show that bacteria is present.

Do you know that even the specimen I put in the FREEZER has a little bit of fungi growth?! This is amazing as the Science coursebook has mentioned that fungi may not be able to grow in very cold temperature but it seems that ours did! This is very fascinating but also quite disturbing...

I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing that we have the best fungi growth. Are we great scientists or filthy (dirty) Lasallians? :D

All for the name of Science, anyway!

I wish I can teach you all in Primary Four too! That's when we start on the Solar System, my favourite Science topic and the one I'm most knowledgeable at! Too bad though... I'm sure you'll have a blast learning about it anyway :)

Today, there were major changes of groups as Group Courage is a rowdy bunch of people. As they are seated in front of Group Hope, it proves to be a bad combination as Group Hope is also a bunch of noisy people. So, the entire Group Joy and Group Courage has switched places. Now, Group Courage is right in front of the board and under my close monitoring. Jolyn has complained that that position in class makes it very uncomfortable because it is very hot.

Now you know how I feel standing in the middle, teaching you. It is very hot.

Anyway, Naveed has this really cool torchlight which is powered by kinetic energy! It is too cool! Kinetic means movement or motion. So to power to the torchlight, you just have to squeeze the handle repeatedly and this kinetic energy is converted to light energy. How interesting and very innovative!

Alex had a bad headache and had to go home early just now... I hope he is OK.

Unlike usual days, I cannot type much tonight as it is quite late already and I have to get some rest. I will see you tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

i also got that torchlight!!!

Anonymous said...

me too but it has 2 bulbs while naveed's is a 3 bulb one

Miss H said...

I want one too...