Thursday, March 27, 2008

Slithering Boys

Math Activity Book, Activity 10 and 11

Gen Knowledge Question:
Which animal is both male and female (hermaphrodites)?
[Answered by Ryan: The Earthworm]

We had two periods of Science today. As it was raining, I was unable to take the class to the eco garden to sketch some lifeforms. Science is the most difficult to teach because my Geniuses always get so excited and have so much to say!

As usual, something unexpected happened. We were going through Unit 4, Animals. We were going through different characteristics of animals and I was explaining how silly it would be if humans slither when they already have legs to walk with.

Suddenly, Mark got out of his seat and started slithering on the floor!!! That was by far the most bizzare and funniest thing I have seen in my class. A boy! Slithering on the floor! Bryan and Warren proceeded to mimic him. (Mimic means copy.) So there were three boys slithering on the floor and laughing.

I don't know what was wrong with Warren today. He kept laughing and when he laughs, he turns very red. He laughed and laughed even though I suspect nothing in particular is funny.

Fabien had his shirt unbuttoned and Warren said "Fabien is so sexy". People found this very funny.

There's nothing much to report today. I was still exhausted from Sports Day and was feeling weak all day.

I discovered a secret. Something to do with Jolyn! Being busybodies, I know you are all dying to know, my Geniuses. But I will not tell you.

Geniuses, you still are not making use of the comment box and asking me questions! I demand that you do!

Goodnight and see you tomorrow. Be prepared for lots of weekend homework.

1 comment:

軽しおん said...

What secret was that?Tell me...Just email me at what secret was that....tell me...tell me!