I know you Gs must be fuming at me for posting late again. I could not help it as I reached home very late last night.
Anyway, for those who are curious about what is happening with some of your classmates and I during recess time, there is no need to feel left out or shunned. I am merely trying to do something about the theft cases on Level 2. What we are doing is simply patrolling Level 1 to look out for any Lasallians who would go into the classrooms.
Yesterday, we had several lost items when we did not patrol. 3B's form teacher is doing an investigation by herself so I thought I could involve some of you. I can not involve all of you because there will be a risk of the thief finding out about our investigation. Already, he has been getting sneakier and cleverer.
I seek your cooperation and understanding to not ask me (or the rest of my patrol team) too much about the theft cases just yet. Once we have caught the culprit, I will fill you in on the details. If you really must know what is going on because your curiosity is like a dragon that threatens to eat you, then feel free to approach me and I will tame that dragon for you.
I would like to say that yesterday (Thursday) went smoothly but I will not because it did not! There were three incidents of spilled water! Other than that, we did Situational Writing, which you loved immensely because I noticed most of you wrote three pages long. That is beyond P3 standards! In your examination, please refrain from writing more than 200 words, which is about a page and three quarters.
We then went through our science worksheets, which seemed to be too easy for you as you completed it in barely 15 minutes. After that, we did our mosaic paper painting. Next week is going to be the last week of the mosaic. Everyone should finish by then!
Those who have completed like Sze Kaye, Anne, Darren, Cait and some others, did a beautiful job. I will post some pictures of the paintings when we are all done. This Saturday (or possibly next Saturday, if I'm not too busy this week) I will be hanging up your puppets in our classroom. I'm confident we can still win next term's Most Inviting Classroom Award again because our class has great artwork and decor!
Our library corners even have bookmarks! (Courtesy of Skyler and friends)
I have a deep suspicion that the culprit who has been tearing down our decoration is none other than the thief himself. He will be in such big trouble when he is caught because he is both a thief and a vandal.
So Gs, please work with me and try to understand that some of us are working hard on the investigation. If you want to be included, approach me. Do not complain and whine alone about it as it does not solve anything.
See you later.
when i take down the points, sometimes, i cannot findit in my notebook.
May I join in?
I remember the boy,his hair is almost wider than his face and he had a small nose(I did not notice the mouth)He is wearing a black watch and his eyes sight is abit strange...If I see him I will reconise him...If he is really the theif,there are still more people.Because there are thieves!
dont let lex join...plu easssss
Glaceon, it's not for you to decide.
Lex, if I need more help, you will be the first person I approach. As of now, I already have enough people. Too many will attract unwanted attention. I hope you understand...
I understand. It will draw much attention.
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