Corrections to be done for Division (KC) worksheet.
Those with the "See Me" stamp will have to attend a 45 minutes remedial on Thursday morning, 11.15 AM to 12 PM. The consent forms will be given tomorrow.
English Oral examination tomorrow.
Today's General Knowledge Questions:
Where is the ancient city of Babylon in the modern world? [Answered by Naveed: Iraq]
Good evening 3G Lasallians. I feel like today is an extremely long day because of the mock oral exam we had. I went through each and every one of you to point out your weaknesses and areas of improvements. Although it took a long time, I think it was worth it as I can clearly see what your weaknesses are now.
Darren and Dawn did very well for the mock exam. I am very proud of the two of you. Did I miss another G who had full marks? I can't seem to recall.
For your oral exam tomorrow, here are some tips:
- Greet the teacher graciously and with a smile.
- Before beginning to read, ask politely, 'May I begin now?'
- Read with expression and do not forget to enunciate clearly. Do not read too quickly as you might mispronounce words.
- For your picture conversation, it is best to start with "This picture depicts a scene in a..."
- Start from any four corners of the picture. Do not start from the middle!
- Go in a clockwise/anticlockwise direction. Do not jump from one spot to another.
- Describe a part of a picture and offer an opinion. This is very important. Giving opinions on pictures shows that you are thoughtful and observant. There is a higher chance to get full marks.
- Speak for as long and as much as you possibly can in PRESENT TENSE.
- Once you are done, politely say, 'Thank you.' [NO, Travis, you cannot say 'Thank you for your attention' or 'Bye bye'.]
- Relax. Before the exam, practice by describing the things or people around you silently to yourself. This helps loosen your mind.
All the best to all of you. I will pray hard for your success.
After the mock oral, we went through past year SA1 Math paper. From the cheers and whoops, I guess everyone did well. However, be warned, this year's SA1 paper will not be easy. I am conducting remedials for those who did not do well in Math worksheets. The rest of you, practice, practice, practice. You are bright young people. There is no reason why you cannot achieve 85 and above for Math. 85 is MINIMUM, okay?
At the end of a tiring day, I had to mop again..........
Update on theft case.
During recess, I went back to our beautiful classroom to get something and saw two suspicious characters. Girls. I could not see them clearly as they quickly dashed into the Ladies when they saw me. I took my things quickly and went to intercept them but they were gone!
At the end of the day Jojo and Div told me they saw suspicious boys lurking around the second level! Something is afoot!
Perhaps we could start a patrol team to keep an eye out for suspicious characters. This patrol team will be on Level One, looking up towards Level Two. I cannot have anyone on Level Two as you might turn into a suspect.
Geniuses, be careful with your things. Do not bring anything expensive with you and keep your wallets with you at all times. Thieves are loose somewhere in school. Keep a wary eye out for them.
If you want a patrol team,include me please!!Because I have nothing to do during recess except for play,play,play.I only can do it on Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday.I got prefect duty on Thursday and Friday.That boy only can be in either 3A,B,C,D or E.Because he is running towards these class direction.Can't be H.I am taking care of F so I should recognise him.
I must think about it first as your recess is very short and I do not want you to miss your eating and rest time for patrol.
miss hidayah please include me too.i can only do it on wed ,thurs and fri.i have prefect duty on monday and tuesday.anyway during recess,prefects can help out doing prefect duty at level 2 .i saw some suspicious students when i was walking out of our classroom.they were rushing somewhere.
I want to be included too although
I am not a prefect.I can only help at the canteen - library.please!!!
I can spy everyday because I am not a prefect.
its okay,anyway,i always eat before i come.I eat very quickly like around 1-2min.You know that I am a super fast girl!
i m going to patrol around the 2nd level today as i do not have prefect duty today. we r short of prefects around level 2 so anne's sister ask me to help out because there are thieves lately.
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