Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Hand in all SA1 papers tomorrow
Hand in all exercise books and activity books tomorrow

The analytical and observant Jolyn wrote this in her blog:
In class,I found out that Queen changed her waterbottle.It was pink in colour and you can suck water out.I was thinking,"Miss Hidayah like waterbottles that you can suck." She lost her white waterbottle(which can suck)and hate the pink one that cant suck.

I find this very funny!

It is true of course. I got a new Adidas water bottle because my white one was stolen when I left it in the classroom. I have a pink one with a metal cap but that one, like Jojo said, cannot be sucked so I was unhappy with it. If anybody dares to steal this new one, I will CRUSH them!!!

(Just kidding.)

That's Sakura from Naruto.

Today was kind of fun. We spent the time decorating the class within three periods. It was successful. All the groups did a beautiful job.

There was a change in seats which caused a lot of unhappiness among the Gs but they had no choice but to follow my orders. Such is the burden of making tough decisions...

Our new monitors are, Bryan and Ashley. I picked Bryan as a candidate because he is outspoken and can be firm, if needed, even though he is a noisy fellow. Ashley is a sensible girl, despite cracking the lamest jokes in the world! So lame that it is as lame as Song Lin's and Jie Ling's jokes... Anyway, Ash will make a great monitor. I don't know about Bryan... I kind of have a bad feeling about making the Buttman a monitor.

The new subject reps were also changed. Math rep is Leeroy, English is Nikhita and Science... I don't remember! I have very poor memory when it comes to these little things!

For example, just now, I was in St Christopher 3 classroom and suddenly, Alex popped out of nowhere and said, "Miss Hidayah, you forgot to take your scotch tape." He said it in that gentlemanly way of his. Alex is very gentlemanly to me. Even when he was really clumsy and dropped the scotch tape and had to run after it, he still looked like a gentleman. I wonder why the girls are always complaining about how irritating he is. Anyway, I thanked him.

Then Jolyn appeared at the doorway! She was giggling and said, "Miss Hidayah, you forgot your water bottle." (-_-") I was just about to open my mouth to start the lesson with the Cs when yet another G appeared at the doorway! Shawn! He did not say anything but he held up my red tape with a smile.

The Christophers were all laughing at this spectacle! I sighed.

Back to class decorations!

Group Wisdom was in charge of the library and the cupboards. Yi Hui and Cait helped me out with a giant pair of sunglasses which was well done! Yi Hui and Cait make an unlikely pair of girls because Yi Hui is the neatest girl I know and Cait writes haphazardly, much like scrawls. Cait! How many times must I tell you to improve on your handwriting!

Group Love had the heavy task of the Science board. Fernanda, You Xuan, Dawn and Ryan drew the mammal, fish, reptile and bird for me and it was exceptional! Good!

Group Hope did the Math board. One of them had the idea of making shadowed letters and it looked really cool.

Group Joy did the English board, which was just putting up some exemplary compositions done by Bryan, Dylan, Gina and Professor.

Group Courage put up the puppets. I made them put up Mark's giant puppet near the door so it will greet any visitors with the necessary amount of ferocity and artistry!

Group Effort did the front board. It was well done and I was pleased to see that Shawn could work well with his group members, even though he still keeps his annoying habit of walking around when he is not supposed to! I think Skyler's upset about his seat change. It had to be done, Skyler...

OK see you tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

so that means that it is useless to help out .:( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Whay said...

waaaaaaaa!!!!!!! I don't like ....WWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

HAHA!Its true lar!I like to observe other people's stuff!Just now was indeed FUNNY!We even bumped into shawn!

Anonymous said...

Hello Ms Hidayah,

I was just wondering if you could help Gabriel make an appointment with the dentist as his teeth are horrible and need a good check. He is a little afraid and I'd appreciate if you could help. Thanks.

Miss H said...

Paul, I don't understand!

Gabriel's mum,
I will take him to the dentist later. He approached me yesterday but I was unable to take him as the dentists were occupied at that point of time.

GPMwisdom said...

I mean do you even wan me to help out!!!

Miss H said...

But you helped a lot, didn't you?

Anonymous said...

I am not sure!!!!