I hope all of you have been studying hard over the weekend. My hands are cold right now from worry. I worry not for your Science paper and English paper as you have proven to me that you are very well read and will most certainly achieve a good mark if you bother to check your work (especially your Synthesis).
I am worried about your Math. It is not that any of you cannot do Math, it is just that some of you do not practice enough or do not take your work seriously enough. Why is it that there are some among you who do not take your studies seriously? Why is it so hard to check your work and do your homework?
I do not understand it. You are nine years old and sometimes I wish I was as smart as you are when I was nine. My dreams would all come true if I worked hard enough. But I was blessed enough to have my dream come true. A dream to teach children like you, who may be destined to be the leaders of the country one day.
But you! You are blessed with good brains and good hearts! Do not waste it in laziness! You can do great things!
If your dreams are as big as mine, you must start working now. Practice your Math at least five times a week. Read as many books as you can because in books are where you can find the most amazing things. But don't forget to have fun because even if you have Wisdom, it is nothing without Joy. Even now in my twenties, as an adult, I still take time to watch cartoons, to ride my bicycle, play my PSP and so on. But all that must also come with study and work.
You study because you love knowledge and because you want to be great men and women one day. Not because your parents force you to!
So the next time you think about how troublesome and bothersome it is having to check your work every time and having to study and sit for exams, remember that all your homework and your years in school are like a bridge to a great life of Joy and fun and wonder and learning!
If you don't work hard now, when you are young and smart and full of energy, you will regret it someday, mark my words.
Anyway, that was a long speech. I know you may not understand half of what I just wrote but it will make sense someday.
And Jojo, when I said I'm always here, it doesn't mean I'm online twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week! It just means that when you need my help, just leave a comment here, sms me or call me or come approach me in school, and I will be ready to help you. Silly girl!
So ... Remember my words, my young friends. And like what Buzz Lightyear would say,
To infinity... And beyond!
finally u have
posted your post.
I have been wai-
ting & studying.
I have been begging my mother for more English papers!!! praying hard that I will not make stupid careless mistakes again!
sure ya lying....haha fabien , u r certainly bluffing.As always.The fact is weakness is carelessesness
that I can't get rid of.^~^
If saliva can digest things, why can't it digest our tounge ?
Paul, sure you can. Of course you can!
Saliva is called a digestive juice but is not as powerful as the acids that are found in our stomach. Saliva is mostly water with some enzymes, mucus and antibacterial substances. Saliva helps break down starch and certain fat but not a strong and flexible muscle like our tongue. Its purpose is only to soften food and to break down starch and fat.
I hope this answers your question.
good question mint!!!^^
Me and Nikhi want to go for audition!!!
audition is very embarrasing
Div, it's "Nikhi and I"!!! How many times must I tell you???
OK, I'll take note of your names
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