Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I am typing this as fast as I can because I just reached home. Today was a lot of bad luck for me because just now, I got locked out of the house and had to wait two hours for my sister to come home!

Tuesday, as always, was boring. We had patrol as usual with the most number of patrol people to date. The patrol girls and boys were frustrated because, mysteriously, the door of 3 Bernadette kept opening after being closed by them. Whoever sneaked out of that classroom was very quick. Tomorrow I must get our fastest member, Sze Kaye to patrol that area.

Then we did English activity book corrections and also finished our Longman up until Unit 3.

I wanted to give the gifts to the winners of the Scrabble competition but realised with a shock that the gifts ran out after I gave some to the P4s.

Before school, I read your journals and was very amused. You write such funny things about your worst and best experiences in school! One of you wrote about how you really like this girl in class but then was really sad because I said that you are all too young to have girlfriends. It's true!

I know a lot of boys 'like' certain girls in class. I don't mind you 'liking' each other BUT... Boys, you get really annoying about it. For example, a few days ago, one of you went to Jolyn and said, 'Eh, do you know that **** loves you??!!' This is not the first time Jolyn has this kind of 'attacks'. Not only Jolyn. Anne and Sze Kaye also has these kind of 'attacks' from you boys. There are also some other girls with admirers which I will not reveal here because it is not publicly known.

Anyway, boys, it is very embarrassing and annoying for girls to be told that someone 'loves' them so loudly like that! Stop doing it!

Most importantly, don't be so distracted by the girls! If you put in more effort in trying to be friends with them and not trying to get them to 'love' you, the class won't be in such a chaotic state with some boys claiming they have eight girlfriends. (You know who you are.)

Anyway, if you 'like' someone in class, the best thing is not to tell the person as it will embarrass and annoy them. You may tell your close and trusted friends or even me and I will keep it a secret if you tell me to. But do not make such a big deal about it and do not get too distracted by the person you 'like'!

You are nine years old! This is NOT the time to have girlfriends and boyfriends OK!

See you tomorrow.

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