Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sort Of Last Day

Zoo Trip
Be in school by 8.45 a.m.
--Water bottle
--Biology Book
--Camera (optional)
For those who are not coming with us to the Zoo, be in school at the normal time and assemble in the hall.

School day
-Bring your mother tongue books only as there will be no other lessons.
-School will end at 5 p.m. on Friday so if your parents pick you up, please tell them to pick you up at 5 p.m.
-Hand in your report books (For those whose parents did not attend the PTM)
-Log in by 1 p.m. on Thursday to do P3 online lessons and quizzes.
-The website is

Today was the last day of school. (Sort of)

This is because tomorrow, there is the Parent Teacher meeting while Friday will be mostly spent at the Zoo!

I cannot type too long today as I need to rest for tomorrow's full day of meeting from 7 to 5 p.m.

We did not have much time for anything today as I had to give out the report books and also arrange the tables for the PTM tomorrow. The best thing about today was announcing the highest marks in the level. The highest in English, Math, Chinese and Malay are all from our classes! I feel very proud as a G teacher.

English : Xiao Ting (Anne)
Chinese : Gina
Math : Paul
Malay: Ad'n

After that, we had General Knowledge session. Here are pictures of a leopard and a cheetah:

See the tear streaks on the cheetah which I told you about? Beautiful cats, aren't they?

I have to go get some rest now. Will blog again tomorrow to tell you about the Parent Teacher meeting! See you on Friday!

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