Saturday, May 17, 2008

Great Power

I guess no one read my message on the cbox saying I won't post on Friday. Yesterday, I was home very late.

Anyway, what is all this Magician, Archer, Warrior, Grim and Trickster business on the cbox. I know for a fact that it involves you Gs so I will let you play your own game on the cbox but don't go thinking you have fooled me because it is too obvious who you are. (Even Grim) And please, no death threats. It is silly and childish.

Friday was fun! We had a Scrabble competition and everyone did very well. The best group was You Xuan's group who worked together very closely and came up with killer combinations with triple word scores! I am puzzling over how you're all so good at Scrabble but cannot maintain full marks for your weekly spelling exercises...

Classroom judging will be on Wednesday but brainy Bry said, 'Miss Hidayah, didn't you know that they just choose a different class every time and we might not win no matter how good we are?'

This crushed my spirits for a second but I refuse to believe it! We are too good to not win. Even if we don't win first place, I still know for a fact that our class is still the best decorated and that is enough for me and for us.

The Zoo trip is coming soon on Friday! I am dismayed to see so many negative reactions when I said some of you will help some other weaker students from the F and H class. I thought being smart and thoughtful Lasallians, my Gs will be more that willing to help out the Fs and the Hs. It's really selfish of you, not wanting to share your knowledge with them!

SPIDER-MAN's Uncle Ben said, with great power comes great responsibility. Basically it means that if you have something other people don't, it is your responsibility to share it with them or to help them because that's what heroes do.

Do you know Peter Parker (SPIDER-MAN) was a teacher for a while? I think he chose to be one because he is following what Uncle Ben said. He has great spider powers so he became a super hero, and he has great intelligence so he chose to become a Science teacher.

OK, see you on Tuesday. Have a great weekend!

And Elroy, your game hand blister is still recovering! Don't play too many video games!


Anonymous said...

then who are these people??quick tell me!i am SOOOOO curious

Miss H said...


I would've kept quiet if you hadn't asked me this question. But since you asked,

I know you're one of them.

If you deny it, I will still know anyway so there is no point.

If you deny it a second time, I will shut down the cbox. Simple as that.

Why am I so sure? The style of speech, your penchant to dream up characters, the similarity to RLspy and the planned timing. It's all there.

Paul is definitely involved too.

Give you one chance to own up or I'll close the cbox. No point having it up if weird characters appear and then lie to each other.

Up to you.

Queen is not an easy person to fool, my friends.

Anonymous said...

but who is trickster,grim and raider?i think i know who is trickster and grim but whos raider??

Anonymous said...

Archer is divya so you know who aready