Thursday, April 10, 2008


Travis, You Xuan and Jie Ling.

In the beginning of the day, I met up with some of the Gs, Divya [Science Rep], Sze Kaye, Nikhita, Gina, Song Lin, Elroy, Ad'n and Darren for soil cultivation at the Eco Garden. It was fun! 3G had our own plot of land where we can choose to plant any vegetable we want and I chose spinach. First we had to clear the weeds. Luckily we were given gloves so that part was pretty easy.

We then sprinkled fertiliser and then dug holes and put the seeds in. While digging, we saw the fat body of a worm slithering by! Some of us freaked out. I have to admit, it was pretty disgusting as the worm was fat, slimy and its skin was translucent. Gross.

Elroy screamed that "WE HAVE TO KILL IT WHETHER IT'S MALE OR FEMALE BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER COS IT'S BOTH!!!" I think he was just trying to impress us all by remembering that earthworms are hermaphrodites. OK Elroy, I am impressed.

After all that we all had lunch together and the Gs asked me whether I live in a bungalow and whether I am very very very rich. They even asked me how much I earn a month! (-_-") I announced that this was not a polite question and refused to answer it. When they heard this, Darren and Elroy made up their mind that I am poor after all and that I make one cent a day... (-_-")

Today was Composition Thursday. As usual, we went through the pictures first and the class and I came up with ideas and words to be put in the composition. One good word that came up was, 'grope'. I'm not sure who said it.

Nothing much that was exciting happened today. This must be because Miss Hidayah was in a lousy mood and did not go around to tease the Gs as much as I usually do. I think last week I gave you too much homework. Suddenly I have so many things to mark and have been feeling weak from lack of sleep. So tomorrow please try to behave especially well because I don't want to use up my precious energy and scream at you and then faint after that!

Science went OK. We started on the topic Fungi and somehow came to the conclusion that Bryan is a Fungi. Anyway, we were all amazed that fungi can grow almost everywhere and that it can be very deadly and at the same time, very useful. The world might very well end without fungi because it helps us decompose things that we do not want, but fungi can also kill millions because it can cause serious diseases.

Art was hard. Too much to do. Too little time. The P1s stole the Art Room from us. >:|

I am sorry for not collecting yesterday's homework. There was so little time just now!

Before I forget, I'm sure all of you know Uncle Botak, our security guard. If he shows you a sketch of a peacock, know that it was drawn by your very own form teacher (me). I heard he is giving the peacock away to one of you Lasallians. I hope one of the Gs get a hold of it instead of any other Lasallian. A Miss Hidayah Original belongs in the hands of a Genius. Uncle Botak and I are fellow artists so I will sketch things and he will help me shade it.

Alright see you tomorrow. There will be homework tomorrow of course because it is Friday.

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